You can join any team that supports an individual participant or graduate in Work&Learn.
The members of each Team are the Mentors, Job Advisors, and other Volunteers who support the Participant or Graduate.
Ideally, we would like each Participant and Graduate to have Internet access, so he or she can also be a member of his or her own Team, and verify that the information accurately reflects his or her background and current goals and objectives.
Volunteers can request membership in one or in several teams.
Usually, you will receive authorization to join within 24 hours. This procedure helps protect personal and confidential information.
Members of a Team can invite other volunteers to join their team.
Members can send private Messages to every member of the team or to any single member on the website.
Members can add Text or Comments that only members of the team can see.
Members can start a Discussion Forum, such as how to help the Participant or Graduate to achieve one of his or her goals.
Combining our team efforts enables us to help each Participant and Graduate achieve the goals they have established.
Discussion Forum
This group does not have any discussions yet.
You need to be a member of Volunteer to be a Team Member to add comments!