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Class #10 - Conflict
1. Read James 4:1-4 (page 1198).
What is the source of fights (verses 1-2)?
Why don’t we get what we want (verses 2-3)?
2. Read Romans 12:18 (page 1123).
What is my responsibility regarding conflict with others?
3. Read Matthew 5:23-26 (page 959).
If another person has something against you, what should you do?
4. Read Matthew 18:15-20 (page 974).
How is conflict to be resolved (vs. 15)?
What are the next three steps in conflict resolution if the brother/sister does not wish to be reconciled? (vss.16-17) |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
5. Read Proverbs 15:1 (page 639)
When someone is angry with you, how should you respond?
1. Read Galatians 5:14 (page 1154)
How should we treat other people?
2. Read Colossians 3:12-14 (page 1167)
What characteristics should God’s chosen people have? _____________________________________________________________________________
What binds these virtues together in unity?
3. Read 2nd Corinthians 5:18, 19 (page 1145)
Who resolved the conflict between God and man?
4. Read Matthew 5:9 (page 958)
What does Jesus call His Followers to do?
What reward do they receive for doing this?
¨ Because we want our own desires, we have conflict with others (James 4:1-4).
¨ We need to have Christ’s attitude and think of other’s interests as more important than our own (Philippians 2:5).
¨ We are to strive to live peaceably with all men (Romans 12:18).
¨ When a conflict arises, the goal is to be reconciled (Matthew 5:23-26).
¨ We should take the initiative and work to be reconciled (Matthew 5:9)
1. Conflict in the workplace gives you either a platform or a battleground.
You can either affirm your personal spiritual commitment or fight like some others.
2. Avoiding conflict often involves putting the needs and interest of others above our personal needs and interests (Philippians 2:3).
3. Sometimes conflicts may be unavoidable. We do, however, have control over our responses.
4. Conflicts provide an opportunity for growth and maturing in our faith; many times the process can be painful.
5. When we are involved in conflict:
¨ We should think carefully before we respond (Proverbs 10:19).
¨ We should focus on facts rather than feelings.
¨ We should present our concerns to people in an affirming way (Ecclesiastes 10:4).
¨ We should apologize if we are fault.
¨ We should do our part to be reconciled.
1. Give the initials of the person with whom you have the most frequent conflicts.
2. List three areas that cause you the greatest amount of conflict with other people.
3. List the action steps you can take to address dealing properly with conflict.
4. List three things you will do as a result of this study to decrease the number of conflicts you have with others.
Small Group Discussion Questions - Class #10 – Conflict
I can refer to the previous “Practical” page as the Mentor asks these questions.
Question #1: Describe (without mentioning their names) two people with whom
you have frequent conflict?
Question #2: What are the main areas of conflict between you and these
people? How do the conflicts usually take place?
Question #3: Using what you have learned in this class, tell about one conflict
that you did not handle properly, and then describe how you would
handle it now.
Question #4: Name the one or two things that you have learned through this
class about resolving conflict that will be the most helpful to you.
Suggestion: Read Parachute pages 284-302, summarized below.
The job hunt can be an opportunity to make fundamental changes to take my life in a new direction.
The search for a dream job is a search for greater happiness. We want to be happy in both our work and our life. We also want to be happy in our soul. We need some sense of mission for our life.
Webster defines Mission as “a continuing task or responsibility that one is destined or fitted to do or specially called upon to undertake.”
Mission means the same thing as a Calling or a Vocation. That means someone must do the calling. Being unemployed gives us a chance to rethink what we want to accomplish in our life. This takes time.
After reading Parachute pages 284-302, write the following.
Don’t Just Quit
What if you don’t like your job? Suppose:
What if you are asked to do something illegal, dishonest, or unethical?
1. First, tell your immediate supervisor you cannot do that and why
2. Then, tell his manager
3. Then, tell the owner
Don’t Just Quit
If you decide to resign
o Leave on good terms.
o YOU WANT TO GET A GOOD REFERENCE when some future employer calls your present employer.
o You might be asked to leave sooner or later than that.
o Don’t cause your employer to be unable to meet commitments she may have made to customers or others.
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