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3rd Class – Who Is God?
1. Read Genesis 1:26-27 (page 2).
This verse teaches us that man was made in the ____________ of God. (To be made in His image means to be similar to Him. Since God is a person and therefore thinks, feels, and communicates, He has also made us as persons who think, feel, and communicate. In other words, He created us for relationships.)
2. Read Genesis 3:8-9 (page 3).
When Adam and Eve sinned, they tried to hide from God. In verse 9, what did God do when He was looking for Adam?
(This shows that Adam and Eve were used to talking with God, because God expected them to answer Him. Therefore we can see that God made them, and us as well, to have a relationship with Him. This is the most important relationship in a man’s or a woman’s life.)
3. Read Genesis 2:18 (page 2).
What did God say was not good?
This verse shows that God intended for people to be in relationships with other people. Can you imagine what it would be like if you were totally alone and there were NO other people in your life (family, spouse, friends, neighbors, etc.)? Describe what it would be like if you had to live this way.
(The fact is that we need to relate to other people!)
Class #3 – Who Is God? (Continued)
4. Read Isaiah 59:2 (page 736).
What keeps a person away from (breaks their relationship with) God?
(Sin not only breaks the relationship between God and man but it also causes the breakdown of relationships between people. Sin destroys relationships.)
5. Read 1st Peter 3:18 (page 1202).
What did God do (through Jesus Christ) to bring us back to Himself (restore our relationship with Him)?
(When our sins are forgiven and taken away through Jesus, we are truly free to have a deep relationship with God and strong relationships with people.)
6. The following verses show us how we can have strong and happy relationships:
1st John 4:7 (page 1209) - We should __________ one another. (If this is our motive in relating to other people, we will build strong relationships.)
Proverbs 18:24 (page 643) – There is a friend who
(We should be committed always to loving those people that we are in relationship with, even when it is hard to do.)
Ephesians 4:25 (page 1158) - We should tell them ________________ to others. (Honest communication is vital to any good relationship.)
1st John 3:16-18 (page 1209) - We should not love (only) with _______________ or in
_____________ but by what we ______________ and in _______________. (This means we should not only SAY that we love people but we should also SHOW it by our actions.)
Ephesians 4:31-32 (page 1159) - We should get rid of all ____________________, __________
and ___________, ___________________, and ___________________, along with every form of _________________ (wanting to cause others to be hurt). We are to be __________ and ___________________to one another, forgiving each __________________, just as Christ God forgave you. (This means we must be willing to resolve our conflicts with others and forgive others when they have hurt us.)
7. The following verses show the main relationships in our lives. God wants us to obey his instructions in each of these relationships.
John 17:3 (page 1070) - Our relationship with ___________________________ (to “know” in this verse means to have a close relationship with)
1st Timothy 5:8 (page 1176) - Our relationship with our ____________________ (this includes our spouse, children, parents, and brothers or sisters)
Proverbs 18:24 (page 643) - Our relationships with our _________________________________
Galatians 6:10b (page 1155) - Our relationship with those who belong to _________________________________ (this means others who are believers in Jesus Christ)
Ephesians 6:5 (page 1160) - Our relationship with our __________________________________ (Note: In New Testament times, slavery was common. Today, employees work for an employer rather than an “owner”. Our relationships at work include our boss and our co-workers.)
Matthew 22:39 - (page 980) - Our relationship with our ________________________________
8. Read Colossians 3:14 (page 1167).
What is the main “ingredient” we should add to ALL of our relationships?
Why do you think this is so important?
¨ God created man and woman for relationships (with Himself and with other people).
¨ We cannot live happy and fulfilled lives without strong, loving relationships.
¨ Sin destroys relationships, both between God and man and between man and man. Through receiving God’s gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ we can be free to build deep, loving relationships.
¨ The following things are necessary if we are to be successful in building good relationships:
- sincere love (the MOST important thing)
- a strong commitment to relate
- honest communication
- love expressed by actions
- willingness to forgive and to resolve conflicts
¨ The main relationships in our lives are:
- our relationship with God
- our relationship with our family
- our relationships with our friends
- our relationships with (fellow) believers in Jesus Christ
- our relationships at work
- our relationships with our neighbors
Small Group Discussion Questions - Class #3 – Who Is God?
Question #1: What do you think it would be like to have a really close relationship with God? In other words, if you were doing exactly everything His word tells us to, do you think you would be really happy or that it would be all drudgery and no enjoyment?
Question #2: Describe the most important human relationship in your life and why it is so important to you.
Question #3: Explain how sins such as lying, stealing, cheating, drunkenness, sexual immorality, and fits of rage cause the breakdown of relationships among people.
Question #4: What are the qualities you respect and appreciate most in another person that you have a relationship with?
Question #5: What is one thing that you can begin doing this week to improve your relationship with someone that you are around regularly (family member, friend, co-worker, neighbor, etc.)?
Five Best Ways to Hunt for a Job - Class #3
Five Best Ways to Hunt for a Job – You Need at Least Two - Class #3
i. What skills you most enjoy using.
ii. Where you want to use your skills: in what fields.
iii. How to get where you want to go: names of jobs, organizations and people who can hire.
Traits (Parachute, pages 235 and 249) describe how you deal with:
Skills (Parachute page 241) describe what you know how to do, what you are able to do, and how you do it. Your skills enable you to approach an employer as a resource person who solves problems rather than as a job beggar.
Assignment for Class #4
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