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Class #12 – Excellence in All
1. Read 1 Samuel 16:7 (page 278).
Does God see man as man sees man?
How does man see man?
How does God see man?
2. Read Proverbs 10:4 (page 633).
What happens to a lazy worker? _____________________________________________________________________________ What happens to the hard worker?
3. Read 1st Corinthians 10:31 (page 1135).
If you or or whatever you do, do
for God. |
4. Read Colossians 3:17 (page 1167).
According to this verse, all our words and actions should be done in the name of whom?
To whom do we give thanks?
5. Read Colossians 3:22-24 (page 1167) and review question #5 from Class #4.
Does verse 22 imply we should NOT please the boss? Support your answer.
How should I work (verses 22-23)?
Who am I really working for, according to verse 24?
6. Read 1 Peter 4:10 (page 1203).
How are we to use our gifts?
¨ Man looks on the outward appearance, BUT God looks at a man’s heart (1 Samuel 16:7b).
¨ It is our responsibility to be diligent and skillful in our work (Proverbs 10:4,5).
¨ Whatever we do, in word or deed, we should do all for God’s glory (1st Corinthians 10:31 and Colossians 3:17).
1. Our standard of performance must transcend that of our co-workers and our superiors and be rooted and grounded in personal excellence.
2. God will hold you accountable for how you use the resources He has given you.
3. People do put a lot of stock in the outward appearance, so we should be mindful of the way we look, dress, and carry ourselves (discretion, modesty, cleanliness, etc.).
Practical Name______________________________
1. List three things you could change to improve your work performance.
2. What things can you do as an employee and worker to demonstrate excellence in the workplace and dedication to your employer?
3. What have you learned through this course that has meant the most to you?
4. As you are finishing this Training, what goals have you set for your personal life and work?
Small Group Discussion - Class #12 – Excellence in All
I can refer to the previous “Practical” page as the Mentor asks these questions.
Question #1: What are at least two things you can do to improve your work performance?
Question #2: What things can you do as an employee and worker to demonstrate excellence in the workplace and dedication to your employer?
Question #3: What have you learned through this course that has the most meaning for you?
Question #4: As you are finishing this phase of training, what goals have you set
for your personal life and work? Have you written them down?
Class #12 Excellence in All – The Call to Mentor
1. Read Genesis 4: 1-9 (page 4)
Why did God raise this question? __________________________________________________
Why did Cain respond the way he did? ______________________________________________
2. Read Matthew 22:34-40 (page 980)
How important is your neighbor? __________________________________________________
3. Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 (page 1137)
Name a few things love is and a few things love does___________________________________
4. Read Psalms 1 (page 532)
What kind of person makes a “bad” mentor(counselor)? ________________________________
5. Read Psalms 16:7 (page 538)
Who is our ultimate counselor? ____________________________________________________
What are some common excuses we use for not being our brother’s keeper?
1. Read Luke 9:57-62 (page 1027)
How did Jesus handle excuses? ____________________________________________________
What can you do to help face the challenge of mentoring someone else?
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