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Class #6 - “Authority”
1. Read Ephesians 6:5-8 (page 1160)
Employees are to ________________________________________their employers.
Work as though you are working for ________________________________________ (vs. 5).
Should our motivation for working hard be only to impress the boss when he is looking at us? |
______________________________________________________________________________Who ultimately, will reward good works (vs. 8)?
2. Read Colossians 3:22 - 24 (page 1167)
Based on what these verses teach, if a worker is disrespectful of his or her boss and does poor work for him, what other Person is that worker showing disrespect toward?
3. Read Proverbs 24: 21 (page 649)
I am to fear _____________________and __________________________________________.
4. Read 1st Timothy 6:1,2 (page 1177)
How am I to regard my boss (vs. 1)?
How do I treat a Christian boss (vs. 2)? |
5. Read Romans 13: 1-7 (page 1123)
How should I treat employers, police officers, judges, presidents, kings, etc?
Who gave them their authority? The voters? |
Who do I oppose if I resist their authority (vs. 2)?
And what happens to me if I resist their authority?
Whom am I to respect (vs. 7)?
Summary Statements
¨ We work for the Lord (Colossians 3:24).
¨ The ultimate reward for the believer will come from God (Ephesians 6:8)
¨ God commands us to honor those in authority over us. All authority is established by God. (Romans 12: 1-7).
Principles That Work
1. The way we respond to the boss we can see shows our commitment to the Boss we cannot see.
2. We should follow the leadership of those placed in authority over us.
3. We should carry out responsibilities with proper actions and a proper attitude.
4. Remember that God holds us accountable for our work.
5. We have a responsibility to submit to our leaders even when we believe they are providing poor leadership.
6. God holds leadership responsible for their actions (Ephesians 6:9).
7. We prove to our supervisors our commitment to God when they see we are able to follow their leadership.
8. Failing to submit to authority is wrong, unless the authority asks you to violate God’s word.
9. Your work should reflect an understanding that God is your ultimate supervisor, and He will make the eternal performance evaluation of you and your supervisor.
Practical Name______________________________
In light of what you have studied, how do you evaluate your past response(s) to your supervisor(s)?
What do you need to do differently?
List three (3) ways you can improve your response(s) to your supervisor.
What could you say or do for your supervisor to demonstrate your submission and service to him or her?
The purpose of a resume is to get you invited in for an interview. See Parachute pages 73 to 86 for tips on what to include in your resume.
Five Questions Your Resume Should Answer Section
1. What Job Do I Want? Job Objective
2. Why Am I Qualified? Summary - Why should they hire me?
3. Where Have I Done It? Experiences
4. How Well Have I Done It? Achievement
5. How Did I Prepare? Education
The Instructor might hand out a blank job application.
Complete the job application.
Note 1: Some employers require the job application to be filled out at their location. Whenever I go to apply for a job, I should take my important personal information to fill out an application, such as education and employment records, references and phone numbers. Always carry my own pen.
Note 2: Some employers require the job application to be submitted or filled out online.
1. Make my letter work-centered and employer-centered, not self-centered. Address the needs of the employer so they will want to learn more about me.
2. Do the writing myself and take responsibility for following up with the employer.
3. Address each letter to a specific individual with his or her correct title and business address.
4. Use plain white stationery and envelope.
5. Keep the letter to one page. Eliminate extra words and don’t repeat facts that are in the resume.
6. Produce error-free, clean copy.
7. Tailor the letters for each situation. Show appreciation to the employer for considering my application, for granting me an interview, for referring me to another employer, etc.
9. Always keep the reader of the letter in mind. Make the letter easy to read and attractive.
10. Be timely. Show that I know how to do business for myself and, therefore, for others.
11. Be honest. Always be able to back up claims with specific examples from my experience.
1234 Johnson Street
New London, CT 12345
(860) 123-4567
February 11, 2009
Mr. John Hanson
Hanson Equipment Rentals
1234 Washington Street
Groton, CT 12345
Dear Mr. Hanson,
I’m writing to apply for a position as a Fork Lift Operator in your warehouse. My friend, Alan Comfort, who works in your warehouse told me you might have an opening and suggested I apply. Enclosed is my resume.
Friends have told me that Hanson Equipment Rentals has an excellent reputation and I found your website to be very informative and easy to use. My experience as a Stock Clerk for the Southeast Cargo Company makes me think there might be a good match between my experience and skills and your needs.
I hope it will be possible to meet with you to discuss ways in which I might serve your organization. Please let me know what day and time would be most convenient for you.
John Doe
(Call one week after sending your letter and resume to follow up your request.)
Assignment for Class #71. Read the Bible passages for Class #7 and fill in answers to the questions on that page and on the Practical page. 2. Write answers “Questions You Might Be Asked in an interview". 3. Come dressed to have a practice interview. Bring copies of your resume. |
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