Work and Learn Inc.

Volunteers helping the unemployed transform their lives!

#8 Integrity

Class #8 - Integrity

Read Genesis 37 - 50 about Joseph, a Man of Integrity. (pages 38-54)

1.      Give the name of the main character of the story and tell a little about his background.



2.         Who was Joseph’s father?

            How did his father show his love for him?


            How many brothers did Joseph have?

How did they feel about him?



3.         What did Joseph’s brothers do to him? (Genesis 37)


What did they tell his father?


4.         (Genesis 39) Who was Potiphar?

What responsibilities did he give Joseph?


What happened?


5.         (Genesis 40) While in jail, Joseph met                                                                      


Briefly tell what happened.




6.         (Genesis 41) Who had a dream?

Who interpreted it?

Did he correctly interpret the dream?

What happened to Joseph?




(Genesis 42-44) Because of the famine in the land, Joseph’s brothers went to

                                            to buy food. Who was there?

When the brothers were reunited, did Joseph hold a grudge?


Who did he think controlled his life?



8.         (Genesis 45-50) Joseph and his father were reunited. The family is richly provided for      by Pharaoh’s number one man, Joseph, and a whole nation survives.


Summary Statements

¨      You will seldom get what you deserve from people, so don’t expect it!

(Example: Joseph was thrown into prison on false charges.)


¨      You will always get what is best from God, so don’t doubt it!

(Example: Joseph and his entire family were taken care of.)


¨      Your ability to handle both (#1 and #2) is directly related to the consistency of your   relationship with the Lord!


(Taken from Chuck Swindoll’s booklet “Integrity - How To Develop It”)


Principles That Work

1.      Make a commitment to yourself to operate with absolute integrity in all your personal and professional activities.


2.      Treat your activities on behalf of your employer as if they were activities you were doing for your God (because they are!).


3.      Truthfulness is the foundation to establishing trustworthiness.


4.      Competence without consistency leads to confusion.


5.      What you do or say today will reap benefits or consequences for you tomorrow.


6.      A person who cannot be bought is priceless to an organization.


Practical                                                      Name______________________________

1.      List three people you know who you believe operate with integrity.





2.      List three areas in which you need to improve in personal integrity.





3.      Who will help you as you hold yourself accountable for the changes you need to make in your personal life and work? (Note: This should be some other person, such as your mentor, pastor, etc.)





4.      Write down the time you plan to talk with him or her about helping you hold yourself accountable.



5.      After the meeting, write down the plan you agreed upon.



Small Group Discussion Questions - Class #8 – Integrity

I can refer to the previous “Practical” page as the Mentor asks these questions.

Question #1:     Who are some people you know that live with integrity? What do

                        you see about their lives that make you think this?





Question #2:    Can you think of an experience where you or someone you know

                        was rewarded for keeping their integrity? Can you think of anyone

                        who suffered the consequences of compromising their integrity?





Question #3:     What are several areas in which you need to improve your

                        personal integrity? How will you make these changes?





Question #4:     Who will be working with you to help make these changes? What

                        is your plan for how the two of you will work together on this?






My Career Objective

Each participant gives a short two-minute presentation of My Career Objective.


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