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Class #4 –God and Relationships
* God made us in His image. We can share in relationships as He does.
* The most important relationship He created us for is with Him.
* He also created us to have relationships with other people to be complete.
* Sin causes a breakdown of our relationship with God and other people.
* Complete honesty, always, is essential to maintaining relationships.
* God takes the initiative in pursuing a love relationship.
* Jesus died willingly so our relationship with God can be restored.
* Love expressed by actions builds good relationships.
* Good relationships bring great joy and satisfaction.
1. Review Genesis, chapters 1 and 2 (pages 1-3).
The first relationship man had was between himself and _______________________________.
(Genesis 1:26-27; see also question #2 from Class 4).
2. Read Genesis 2:20-25 (page 3).
The first human relationship God created was between the man and his ___________________
(So we see that the family was God’s idea, not man’s.)
3. Read Hebrews 13:4 (page 1194).
How does God feel about marriage? ________________________________________________
Compare this to how the world thinks about marriage today.
4. Read Psalms 127 and 128 (pages 614).
Who builds the family (“house”)? __________________________________________________
Are children a reward (“gift”)?_____________________________________________________
Who blesses the family? _________________________________________________________
5. Read Ephesians 5:21 to 6:9 (pages 1159-1160). (vs.21) We are to be willing to ___________ to one another out of ________________ for ___________.
Is this something we are all supposed to be doing (wives, husbands, children, employees, and employers)? _________________________ Support your answer:
In the specific relationships mentioned:
(5:22-24) The wife is to _____________________________________________ her husband.
(5:25-33) The husband is to _________________________________________ his wife, just as
_____________________________________________________ loved the church (His people).
(6:1-3) The child is to _______________________ his or her parents in the _________ .
Why? For this is ______________________ (that is, do it out of love for God).
(6:4) The father (parent) is not to
________________________________________the children. They should
bring them up in the ________________ and
___________________of the Lord.
(6:5) The employee (servant) is to __________those for whom
he or she is working.
(6:9) The employer should not _________________ those who work for them.
(Note: In New Testament times slavery and slave owning were common. In America today this has been abolished, but God still commands Christian workers to work for their employers with excellence.)
6. Read Colossians 3:22-25 (page 1167).
Employees are to _______ ________ their employers _______ the time, not just when the
employers are _________________ them. Who are you really working for? ________________
7. Read Matthew 5:13-16 (page 958).
What does salt do for food? _______________________________________________________
What does light do to darkness? ___________________________________________________
Who will see your good works? ____________________________________________________
Who will get the credit (honor) for your good behavior? ________________________________
¨ God created man for relationship, and man’s first and most important relationship was with God Himself.
¨ The first relationship among humans that God created was the family. The family is ordained and blessed by God.
¨ Marriage is honorable. Since it is God’s plan, He holds it in high regard (Hebrews 13:4).
¨ Children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3).
¨ The husband should love the wife, the wife should respect her husband, and the child(ren) should obey their parents. All should help and care for one another (Ephesians 5:21 - 6:9).
¨ God commands His people to keep a high standard in the workplace. Employees should work as unto the Lord, and employers (bosses) should treat their employees fairly and with respect. If Christians live in this way, God will be honored through their good deeds.
¨ It is through the Church that we maintain our relationships with God and with other people.
Small Group Discussion Questions - Class #4 –
God and Relationships
Question #1: If you are married, are you actively seeking to help and care for your spouse?
In what ways can you express this to your spouse in the upcoming week?
Question #2: Do you have a regularly planned time for personal communication with your mate? With your children? (Discuss the importance of this.)
Question #3: What do you believe it means to “honor your father and mother”?
How can you do this better? (The small group leader should explain that even if we had a terrible upbringing by our parents, God will help us to forgive and love them and still wants us to honor them.)
Question #4: Rating from 1 (poorest) to 10 (best), rate the stability of your home.
Question #5: What are some things you can do to help improve the stability of your family?
Question #6: Taking to heart what you learned from the Bible verses in the worksheet for this class, what would you do differently in raising your children?
Question #7: If you are now employed, rate yourself from 1 (poorest) to 10 (best) on this statement: “I work wholeheartedly at my job.”
What can you do to improve your work performance?
Informational Interviews - Class #4
Who You Want To Talk To: Someone doing the kind of work you think you would like to do. It doesn’t matter whether or not they have a vacancy.
How To Get the Appointment: Ask anyone you know whether they know someone in the field you want to go into. If not, do they know someone who might know someone in the field. Will they introduce you to the person they know? Once you get the name and number of the person doing the kind of work you want to do, call and explain that you are a Career-Changing Job-Hunter and you are very interested in the particular field or career or industry or company. Would they be willing to spend ten minutes answering a few questions you have? Some will. Some won’t. If the answer is no, ask if they can suggest someone you should talk to.
Steps To Take Before the Interview: Research as much as you can about the field and the company before you meet with them. Check anything about them on the Internet. If you’re not familiar with searching on the Internet, get someone to help you. Stop by the company and pick up some literature. Ask your contacts if they know anyone who works there.
Questions You Should Ask In the Interview:
1. Any questions you have about the field, career, industry, company, job, or kind of work?
2. How did you get into this line of work?
3. What tasks or assignments do you have to do?
4. What skills does it take to do these tasks? (Write the answers!)
5. What do you like most about the work you do?
6. What do you like least about it?
7. Who else, doing this type of work, would you recommend I talk to?
a. Could you give me their name and phone number?
b. May I say that you suggested I contact them?
Respect Their Time Commitment:
When ten minutes have passed, thank your contact for the time they have taken and excuse yourself, saying that’s all the time you asked for and you like to keep your commitments.
After the Interview:
Write a thank-you letter to your contact. Or send an e-mail AND write a thank-you letter. After seeing you, he may think of someone else you should get in touch with.
When He was a youth, we learn in Luke 2:52 (page 1016) that
“Jesus grew in stature and wisdom, and in favor with God and man.”
This verse tells us that the four areas of personal development are
Physical, Intellectual, Spiritual, and Social.
1. Physical development results from proper nutrition, regular exercise, adequate rest, and avoiding substances that abuse the body.
2. Intellectual development comes from study and training, as I am doing in this course.
3. Spiritual development comes from prayer, study of the Word, participating with fellow believers in worship in my church, and serving God.
4. Social development comes from reaching out and helping brothers and sisters in Godly relationships.
God has given me the opportunity to develop in these four ways.
I have great potential in each of these areas.
I can concentrate on one or two areas for a while,
but I need to strike a balance between all four.
Through my mission in life, all four of these areas of personal development come together.
Assignment for Class #51. Read the Bible passages for Class #5 and fill in answers to the questions. 2. Fill in answers on the Choosing My Job Objective form. |
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